Daily Life: Indus Valley Civilization
- People lived in houses about 1-2 stories high.
- The houses were made of mud brick.
- The houses were all almost identical.

- Ancient Indians had swimming pools.
- They also had public baths.
- Children played with toys just like us today.
- Some of the toys they played with included small carts bird whistles, and monkeys that could slide down a string.
- Women wore jewlry and lipstick.
- Men wore brightly colored clothes.
- People loved to dance.
- They grew barley, peas, melon, dates, and wheat.
- In ancient india people were amazing craftmen, because intricate carvings and pottery were found.
- They used carts, oxen, elephants, and camels.
- On sea they traveles in ships with one mast.
- Ancient India ran on Social Classes.