
Ancient India had several languages. One included Brahmi.


  • Brahmi is a language that originated in India some time between 900 B.C. and 800 B.C.
  • Indian Merchants discovered this language from people that lived in southwest Asia.
  • It became widely used in India.
  • Many people spoke Brahmi, but few could write it. Only certain priests knew how to write in Brahmi.
  • Because of this, most ancient Indian religous writings were in Brahmi.
  • It became the official religous language of India.
  • King Asoka used Brahmi to write his laws on large, stone monuments.
  • The symbols in the Brahmi stood for syllables.
  • Each symbol stood for a consonant followed by the long a sound. 
  • Brahmi was also written from left to right.


 A Stone Temple Built by King Asoka                                                   





The Symbols of Brahmi


Brahmi and India Today

  • Brahmi still plays an important role in today's world.
  • Almost all the written languages in India today originated from Brahmi.
  • Brahmi shaped languages used in other countries.
  • Other languages like Japanese, Thai, and Tibetan also come from Brahmi.
  • The alphabet in Thailand came from Brahmi.

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